Rolex- The name itself denotes something precious and luxurious. Rolex refers to the historical watchmaker that has significance all over the world. It's a brand that is familiar to everyone and is associated with excellence and innovation. We all are always very curious to know how over the years Rolex gained such prestigious status and loyal patrons among their customers. We tried to understand the history of Rolex and now we are ready to serve you the tasty dish of this watchmaker phenomenon of becoming famous and gaining immense popularity.
Mr. Hans Wilsdorf, founder of the Rolex watch company, started his journey working with the watch exporter Messrs. The firm was an exporter of watches and this is how Hans learned the process of watch making. He gained a lot of experience working with different watchmaking firms. After taking all those experiences, Hans decided to implement all those skills by launching his own brand company- Rolex.
Every person who starts a business has one concern: to search for a name suitable for their brand. The brand name should be easy and meaningful. As the legend goes, Hans wanted the name which should be short, easy to pronounce, and remember in any language, and look good on watch movements and dials. He combined all alphabets with each other to make one interesting name but nothing clicked. When asked by his friend he said ” at the end one morning, while riding on the upper deck of a horse-drawn omnibus along Cheapside in the City of London, a Genie whispered ‘Rolex’ and Hans finally found something unique and a justification of luxury.
From there, Hans started his journey of watchmaking and showcased to the world the elegant artistry which was inside him. Today, also when someone says ‘Rolex’, Our heart starts to accept something that arouses widespread respect or admiration.
The Story of Hans Wilsdorf: Founder of Rolex
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